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Store Hours: 8:30am - 6:00pm Mon/Tues 8:30am - 8:00pm Wed 8:30am - 6:00pm Thurs/Fri 10:00am - 2:00pm Sat. (Closed on Holiday Weekends)
The Camera Shop is happy to provide mail services to our customers. Customers with an established The Camera Shop Charge Account may ask to have their orders billed to their account. Pre-payment is required on all other mail orders. All items purchased and shipped by The Camera Shop online ordering system will include shipping charges (use the shipping charges below for all other orders).
At The Camera Shop, we are committed to providing quality products to meet or exceed your expectations. However, if you find our goods or services are faulty, please let us know. We will work with you to address your concerns. * Please note that only technical inadequacies, which are avoidable with the technology available is considered a defect, but does not include aspects of personal taste. Differences in color between the original file and original image data are not a defect. Call customer service at 320-251-2622 for assistance. Refunds for purchases online with a credit card will be provided as a credit back to the card used at the time of purchase. This may take up to 5 business days upon receipt of the returned product/merchandise and may take 24-48 hours to update on your bank statement.