There’s no time like the present to preserve your most important moments and memories for the future. From 1980’s VHS tapes to 8mm movie film, we work with just about every video media out there. Simply drop your tapes and movie reels off and we’ll magically digitize the contents.
Archiving is the process of preserving, organizing and protecting something precious. In our case, it applies to printed photos, video moments and home movies. In other words – your precious family legacy.
Make a plan for your story. How do you plan to preserve all the meaningful events in your life? If you don’t have one, don’t worry. We provide tools, training and assistance so you can tell your story for generations to come. We’ll pair your lifestyle needs with the right photo management solutions, making it easy to keep up with your collection as it grows. Archiving is an important but never-ending process, and it’s just as important to preserve the past as it is the present.
*Video tapes with mold may be sent to an external lab for special processing.
For more information, please contact us.
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